Lead patients can be communicated by following the below steps:
Step 1 - Create your communication that you would like to send to the patients.
This can be done by following the steps in the below articles:
How to Create an Email/Document Template
Step 2 - Select the 'Patient' Report.
Go to the 'Reports' section > 'Patient' > 'Patient Report'. See below:
Once you have selected this report you will then be able to see a list of all patients at the practice regardless of their status. See below:
Step 3 - Filter the 'Status' Column to display only patients with a 'Lead' status.
The next step is to filter the report. The report can be filtered by selecting the +/- icon. See below:
Once this icon has been selected you will then be able to apply a filter to the 'status' column to only display patients with a lead status. See below:
To confirm the filter, simply select the magnifying glass located directly underneath the +/- button. See below:
This will then bring back all patient's based on the filters applied. See below:
Step 4- Communicate with Patients on the Report.
The last step is then sending the communication to the patients. This can be done by selecting the icon that appears just above the table. See below example:
You will then be able to select the communication method that you would like to send and the appropriate template from the drop-down list. See below:
Once you are happy with the communication simply select to confirm. You will be able to preview the communication before you finally send it out to the patients. Once you are happy to proceed, simply select 'send' to send the communication.
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