The chat feature within Aerona allows users to send instant messages between the different members of the practice. If your practice is multi-site you can also send messages to members within the other location/s.
To access the chat feature on Aerona simply select the icon that is displayed a the top right-hand corner underneath the user's name.
To send a message to an Individual simply select on their name and enter the information that you would like to send. To send the message simply select 'send' See below:
To send a message to more than one individual simply select CRTL on your keyboard and select the different users you would like to send the message too. You can then enter the message that you would like to send and select 'send' to send the message. See below:
Once a user has received a message, they will get a notification – this can be a noise if they have the volume on their computer. The chat feature will also flash indicating that the user has received a message.
Once they select on the chat feature a little red dot will appear next to the user which has sent the message. See below:
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