To add a treatment item to a treatment plan simply follow the below steps:
Go to the 'Treatment' section > Select the 'Treatments' tab > Select the Treatment Plan. See below:
Once you have selected the treatment plan you will then be able to select the treatment items from the menu groups (treatment categories) that appear directly above the charting. See below:
Once you have selected the menu group, a list of treatments will appear. This list depends on which treatments have been added via the 'Admin' section. Your treatment list will be separated into different subgroups which will display non-chartable items under the 'general' subgroup and under the charting group (in the below example - implant) will show all the chartable items. See below:
Adding in a non-chartable item to the treatment plan.
To add a non- chartable item simply select on the treatment item that you would like to add. This item will automatically be added to the treatment plan if the price is not flexible. If the treatment item has a flexible price you will have the option of updating the price, the quantity and adding a discount if required. Once you have selected 'save' the item will be added to the treatment plan. See below:
Adding chartable treatment items to the treatment plan.
chartable items are added similar to the non-chartable items by selecting the treatment item from the menu group. You will also have the option of updating the price if it is a flexible price. The only difference between the chartable treatment item and the non-chartable item is that once you have updated the price (if required) you will then have to add the treatment item to the charting by simply selecting on the tooth that you would like to add the treatment too. See below:
At this stage, your treatments will then be added to the treatment plan at the state planned. You can mark the treatment as complete by simply selecting the treatment and using the tick icon to complete the treatment. You will also be able to amend the treatment, split the treatment, remove the treatment and precharge the treatment. See below:
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