When a household group is created on Aerona, users will have the ability to add household bookings to the diary.
You can learn more about creating a household group here!
Booking a household group couldn't be easier, simply select a patient that is a member of the desired group and select a slot on the diary. When selected, the below options appear:
Selecting the 'Create a Family Booking' option will allow users to create a family booking. Once selected, the below dialogue will appear:
Users can select if the appointments are to be scheduled in the same slot or if they are to be scheduled in consecutive slots, while also having the option to select individual group members or all. You can see from the above that 'All' has been selected for consecutive slots. Selecting next will present users with the below:
Users simply select the appointment they wish to schedule for each family member. The above screen will appear for each member within the group, with the family members name clearly visible. See below for how booking occurs for consecutive slots:
Updating the appointment status for one of the family appointments will present users with a message if they would like to update the appointment status of all household group members that day. See below:
Selecting Yes will update all appointments made that day for that group and selecting No will allow users to update each individually.
NB: Family bookings cannot be made using the find slot feature
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