In Some Circumstances, Insurance Providers may come back to the practice and say that the patient is not eligible for the claim. This can be managed on Aerona in different ways depending on the claim status.
We have outlined below the different steps to updating this on Aerona based on each Claim Status.
For Claims in the State 'Pending' or 'Payment Declined'.
For Claims in the state 'Pending' Go to the 'Claims' Section > 'All Items' > Select the Claim > Select the Pencil to Edit the Claim > Update the Status to 'Patient Charged'. See below:
NB: You can also modify the fee to be charged at this point
For Claims In The State 'Sent to Insurer'
To Charge the fee to the patient when the claim is at the state 'Sent to Insurer' you will need to follow the below steps:
Go to 'Claims' > 'Mark as Paid' > Select Any Payment > Select the Pencil located under the received column of the Claim > Change The Amount Received to £0 and the Patient Amount to the Initial Claim Amount > Save. See below:
NB: You can also modify the fee to be charged at this point
After you have selected the Save icon you will then need to select the checkbox to confirm and select 'Save'. See below:
For Claims In the State 'Paid'.
If the claim status is paid you will need to contact our support team by sending a support ticket so we can have the claim reverted to the previous claim status for you to be able to update the claim to the patient charged.
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