What are Keywords?
Keywords are an additional feature of AeronaClinic that allows your patients to send specific responses to SMS messages & reminders from the practice.
This is particularly useful for reminder templates, as patients can simply reply YES to confirm their next appointment or NO to cancel it. Keywords reduce admin, streamlines your appointment book and saves time for the patient.
Our Keywords package comes with 3 Keywords which are YES, NO and STOP.
How to Activate Keywords
To activate keywords or to find more information on this feature simply contact our support team by submitting a ticket or by sending an email to support@aerona.com.
Once our support team has activated the keywords package you will then be able to see the keywords within the 'Communication' section under 'Keywords'. See below:
How to Add Keywords to SMS templates
Upon this feature being activated, you will then be able to add these keywords to your communication templates. To do this simply navigate to 'SMS templates' within the communication section and either select the + to create a new template or select a current template to edit. See below:
Simply update your template to include the keywords by ticking the appropriate options that appear underneath the text area. See below:
After this has been done simply to select 'save' to complete and send out your communication templates as normal.
How to View Received SMS responses
You will be able to view any responses to the messages within the 'Communication' section under the 'received SMS' section. See below:
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