Treatment Plan Management
- Sign off on treatment plans (Lockdown)
Aerona’s treatment management tool can be utilised to sign off treatment plans when a patient provides consent to treatment.
The treatment plan can be accessed via the treatment section as seen below:
Once selected the plan will display as below:
The plan can be checked to display the planned treatments within the dental chart and completed treatments. Upon a patient consenting to the course of treatment, a copy can be printed off for the patient to sign. The plan can then be marked as 'Signed'. See below:
This will lock down the plan once saved. No further treatment can be added unless the plan is re-signed by the patient. See below which demonstrates the plans locked status:
Alternatively, the patient can sign the plan via the ‘E-Sign’ signature option. Once singed and save, the plan will be locked as above.
- Mark as completed when treatment has been actually completed
Each treatment within the plan can now be managed as and when the patient arrives to have each treatment completed. The Restoration 1 plan that has been signed contains the following treatments:
Only when the treatment has been completed will the charge be pushed through to the patient for payment. Each treatment can be highlighted and marked as completed as shown below:
Selecting the tick as shown below to mark as complete:
The item will appear on the ‘detailed sales report’ once it has been marked as completed. Managing the treatments in this way provides assurance that sales are more accurately recorded.
More complex treatments can split if needed, which will also split the fee. This can be done by first selecting the treatment followed by the double-ended arrow. See below:
Once the split treatment icon is selected, the below dialogue appears:
Simply select the number of appointments you would like the treatment to be split across followed by save. This will split the treatment and cost, with the ability to complete each as and when the patient arrives for each appointment.
- Decline treatments
A patient may want to decline a treatment included within a plan and Aerona provides that option. A treatment can be declined by selecting the treatment from the table as below:
Selecting the thumbs down icon will decline the treatment. See below:
This will update the status to declined, although the option to update the status to planned again will be available should the patient change their mind. See below for the thumbs up:
- Decline plans
The option to decline a plan as a whole is also available. The thumbs down option will appear to the right of the plan name as seen below:
Once selected the plan will move from view and be hidden. These plans can be viewed again by selecting the below icon:
This can be selected at anytime to view any declined plans. As with treatment, treatments plans can be given the thumbs up should the patient change their mind. See below:
- Move treatment between plans
Plans can also be easily modified within the treatment section. Should you wish to move planned treatments between plans, this can be done via 'All' tab as seen below:
This will list all treatments for the patient across all plans. See below:
The option to change planned treatments between plans will be available via the ‘Plan’ column. See below:
- Planning Appointments
Clinicians have the flexibility on Aerona to plan unscheduled patient appointments and link planned treatments to these appointments. This will allow the front of house to view the appointment/s instantly in the unscheduled appointment list and therefore gain an overview of how many appointments and what type of appointment the patient requires without having to check with the clinician.
The clinician can plan future appointments by following the below steps:
Go to the 'Treatment' section > 'Treatments' > Select Treatment plan > Add in the treatments that you would like to be completed at a future date (leaving them in the planned state)> select 'Plan Appointments'. See below:
Once you have selected 'plan appointment/s' the below screen will populate. Simply type in the number of appointments that you would like to create and select 'create appointments'. (If the patient has already got future appointments for the same clinician you can also skip this step)
Simply drag the planned treatments into the appointments that you would like the treatments to be completed on. (See Below):
The appointment type will automatically default to the current appointment but amendments can be made to each appointment by selecting the pencil icon located above each appointment. (See below):
Once you have selected the pencil, simply make the changes and select 'Save' to update. Once you are happy with the changes simply select the X. See below to the right:
The appointments will then appear on the unscheduled list within the 'appointment' screen where the receptionists can then schedule the appointments. See below:
They can be added to the appointment book by clicking and dragging appointment to the desired slot.
The unscheduled appointment will be also visible from within the Patient section where payments are processed, bringing to the attention of the front of house team that these need to be scheduled before the patient leaves. See below:
- Treatment plan reporting
There are several reports in place that are excellent to track treatments and their progress. These reports can be accessed by going to Reports > Treatment Management. See below:
These reports can be utilised to follow up on proposed treatments. If the treatments are being managed effectively, then these reports will provide an excellent avenue for optimizing treatment plan conversion.
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